
Bikini Laser Hair Removal Can Prevent Those Red Bumps From Shaving

April 21, 2017

As the warm weather emerges, and summertime approaches, many women are starting to think about getting “bikini ready”. For some women, the ideal bikini line is about physical appearance, while for others it’s about self-esteem. The bigger challenge, of course, is how to achieve that optimal bikini line, particularly today, when there are so many hair removal options to choose.

For some, the traditional shaving approach is both adequate and satisfactory. Here again, there are plenty of over-the-counter options to choose. For the most part, traditional shaving is a do-it-yourself approach to hair removal, but with some downsides - like “razor-rash”, in-grown hair, and red skin bumps from the razor. Needless to say, shaving requires ongoing maintenance.

Bikini laser hair removal toronto Today, there is no shortage of hair removal products on the retail market. Some promise to be all natural; some are chemical-based; and some are even made with plant extracts. Clearly, results vary with each treatment, although none will make an area entirely hairless. At best, many of the store-bought products allow for less frequent shaving, which translates into less work and effort.

For those who might decide to wax, there is plenty of advice out there on the pros and cons. And whether it’s at home or at the skin care salon, waxing might still be too painful for some. With all things considered, professional laser hair removal has recently become one of the better options for permanent hair removal. For getting “bikini ready”, it’s fast, easy, and most effective.

One of the best things about laser hair removal is the ability to customize a treatment, therefore removing as much hair as a client wants. With bikini laser hair removal, the results are excellent, and there’s no need to wax or shave again. Better still there are no negative side effects like other treatments - no more razor burns, no more “five o'clock shadow”, and no more red bumps.

As a specialized procedure, laser hair removal can be more costly than other treatments and/or techniques, but the results are worthwhile, and hair removal is longer lasting, which is actually better value in the long run. What’s important, however, is to visit an established and reputable skin care clinic, with in-house experts who specialize in professional laser hair removal.

At IGBeauty Studio, skin care specialists advise on the proper number of treatments that may be required for optimum results, and what to expect after those treatments. For clients focused on permanent hair removal, especially with “bikini ready” aspirations, professional laser hair removal likely the best option. It’s the safest and most effective treatment available today.

Laser hair removal at IGBeauty Studio uses LightSheer® Duet™ technology, with many women reporting skin that is rejuvenated, and less severe ingrown hairs. There are noticeable results in three to five clinic sessions (depending on skin and hair color). For more information or to book an appointment, visit the website at or call directly at 416-484-4884. 

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