Laser hair removal in Toronto is well known for being one of the most effective methods on the market. This is due to the fact that laser hair removal effectively targets the hair follicles and not just the superficial growth. However, hormone levels and hormonal conditions can impact the effectiveness of most laser hair removal services. Various hormones are responsible for hair growth, and being aware of your hormonal fluctuations can help you achieve better results. If you are struggling with stubborn hair growth and want to achieve better results, contact IGBeauty. Our skin care clinic in Toronto specializes in laser hair removal to ensure effective results for every client regardless of their existing health conditions. Contact us today.
Stages of Hair Growth
In order to understand how hormones affect hair growth, it is crucial to understand the hair growth cycle. The hair growth cycle consists of 4 stages:
- Anagen Phase: The active growth phase where hair follicles produce new cells, leading to hair lengthening.
- Catagen Phase: The transitional phase where hair growth slows and follicles shrink, lasting a few weeks. Hair detaches from its blood supply during this time.
- Telogen Phase: The resting phase where hair is not actively growing. This stage lasts several months.
- Exogen Phase: The shedding phase, during which old hairs fall out to make way for new growth.
It is always best for laser hair removal to be conducted during the anagen phase. This is why it is often recommended that clients shave their hair a few days before laser hair removal. However, an influx of certain hormones can disrupt this cycle, leading to excess hair growth.
Hormones and Hair Growth
Various hormones impact hair growth, in fact, numerous hormonal conditions are characterized by excess hair growth.
- Androgens: Often, these are referred to as male hormones. These hormones are known for providing the body with male characteristics, meaning that they are also responsible for hair growth. Testosterone is an example of an androgen. Women with conditions such as PCOS and/or thyroid disease can experience increased levels of androgens, leading to more robust hair growth.
- Cortisol: This is the body’s main stress hormone, and individuals who struggle with stress management or adrenal issues may experience higher levels of cortisol, which can also lead to hair thinning.
- Insulin: This hormone is responsible for controlling glucose levels in the blood. Individuals with insulin resistance have an inability to effectively respond to insulin when it is released into the body. This condition is also associated with higher androgen levels, leading to excess hair growth.
How Hormones Impact Laser Hair Removal in Toronto
Individuals with hormonal conditions like PCOS, insulin resistance or thyroid issues may suffer from excess hair growth, which can negatively impact one's confidence. Laser hair removal is the best hair removal solution for achieving long-term results. Laser hair removal actually attacks the hair follicles, which will cause your hair to grow back thinner. This is even the case for individuals with hormone issues. Given the higher volume of hair on their body, they may require a couple of extra sessions to achieve near-hairless results. However, numerous clients at IGBeauty have had excellent results regardless of their hormonal conditions.
Reduce Hormone-Induced Hair Growth with IGBeauty
Overall, laser hair removal in Toronto is effective for those with hormonal conditions. Hormones like androgens, insulin and cortisol all impact hair growth, leaving some individuals with excess hair growth. However, laser hair removal services work by targeting the root of the hair follicles, allowing for a significant reduction in hair growth and thickness. If you are interested in reducing your hair growth, contact IGBeauty! Visit our skin care clinic in Toronto today!