
Is Laser Skin Tightening For You?

December 11, 2017

As we age our bodies start to produce less collagen. This very important nutrient is responsible for keeping our skin firm and looking young. Have you noticed your skin starting to lose its natural elasticity? If you are between the age of 30 and 60 years old, you may be a good candidate for laser skin tightening procedure.

At IGBeauty skin care clinic, we have great solutions for reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as other skin issues related to the aging process. Laser skin tightening procedures are less invasive than other treatments such as face-lift or body lift procedures. They also result in firmer skin and can be used on any area of the body.

What Is Laser Skin Tightening?

The laser technology uses a skin tightening feature that is minimally invasive, so you can avoid non-surgical procedures. In addition, this laser technology uses a special & advanced infrared light that tightens the skin. Through heating the collagen underneath the skin, this light increases both tightening and contract of the skin.

When performed on the face, results can be noticeable immediately after treatment. There is also no downtime associated with this procedure and a reduced risk of any side effects.

What Areas Does Laser Skin Tightening Target?

Laser skin tightening is an ideal treatment for the following conditions:

Find out if you’re eligible for skin tightening laser treatments

Anyone between the age of 30 and 60 years’ old who is in good health is eligible for skin tightening treatments. This procedure is suitable for both men and women of all skin types and skin tones. It is the perfect solution for anyone who wishes to dramatically improve his or her skin appearance without the need for painful surgery or long recovery time.

How Does Laser Skin Tightening Work?

At IGBeauty we use two modern and powerful lasers to achieve great skin tightening results. We call this combined procedure the Lumenis® Photofractional treatment. The Lumenis® IPL laser works by removing unsightly skin pigmentation and unattractive blood vessels. And the ResurFX™ laser stimulates the production of new collagen and skin fibers in deep layers of the skin. As a result, the skin becomes more rejuvenated, elastic and back to that youthful-looking glow.

You should be able to see visible results after about 3 treatment sessions. For optimal results, we recommend at least 5 sessions in 4-week intervals. Typical results should show visible improvements for up to 6 months following the treatment protocol. Immediately following each session, you may see some redness or swelling. But these symptoms should diminish within a day or two. For the most part, you should be able to resume daily activities and your normal routine the very same day after treatment.

At IGBeauty clinic, you can rest assured that our laser skin tightening procedures are a safe, effective, and minimally invasive way to alleviate the effects of time. You will feel rejuvenated again and your skin will return to its beautiful natural glow.

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