
Why Try Laser Vein Removal & Sclerotherapy Treatments

December 05, 2017

As we age and experience hormonal changes various imperfections such as visible varicose and spider veins can start to appear. If you love to show your arms and legs but are concerned about visible veins we have great Laser Vein Removal and Sclerotherapy solutions for you.

Laser Vein Removal and Sclerotherapy therapy are both effective treatments for varicose and spider veins. Laser Vein Removal treats smaller veins while Sclerotherapy is more suitable for treatment of larger veins. Laser Vein Removal and Sclerotherapy are the most popular treatment options for varicose and spider veins removal.

Laser Vein Removal

At IGBeauty we use modern technology to successfully treat varicose veins, spider veins and broken capillaries with our laser vein therapy. We have achieved great results with the Lumenis® M22™ and the Nd: YAG laser systems. The M22 laser will heat up blood vessels, close the vein wall, and make veins disappear. The Nd: YAG laser is capable of impacting larger blood vessels and vascular lesions such as leg veins, telangiectasia, and hemangioma.

Our lasers are equipped with the dynamic cooling device, which makes them very tolerable for most of our patients. In addition, we use a topical anesthetic to further minimize discomfort. This laser vein therapy is very safe and requires no downtime. You will be able to resume your daily activities right away. In most cases you will only experience a mild stinging sensation in the treated area.

For best results we recommend a treatment protocol of 2-3 clinic sessions performed in 6-8 week intervals. Usually the treatments take anywhere between 10 to 20 minutes depending on the treatment area. Following treatment you will start to see visible results within 2-6 weeks, as your skin will gradually change color and the veins will eventually disappear.


Sclerotherapy is the type of treatment that requires repeated injections of a special solution into the affected vein area. This solution will irritate the blood vessel lining and cause it to swell up and stick together. In the end whatever vein remains will get absorbed into your body. This therapy was originally developed to only treat the leg area but it can now be successfully used on other areas such as chest, arms, back and even the face.

Results vary with individuals, as some will see visible improvement with just a few treatments and others after several sessions. The amount of sessions also depends on the size of the area to be treated. You will begin to see results within a few weeks of the first treatment. But it may take several months so see the full effect. You may see some red blotches, patches, pigmentation or skin discoloration during the transition time. However, most discoloration should fade away within 12 months of the commencement of the treatment. It is recommended to take a day off from work in order for you to keep your legs elevated following treatment. You can return to work the next day. You should also limit your exercise routine for up to 10 days following the procedure.

At IGBeauty we are confident that our Laser Vein Removal and Sclerotherapy treatments are both effective and the best solution for beautiful and long lasting results. Book an apointment with our consultants today by emailings us at or calling us at 416-484-4884.

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